3 Ways The Access Energetic Facelift Could Work for Your Body
Are there parts of your body that you would like to give a lift? Access Consciousness® is a modality that has created many tools & techniques that“ empower you and your body to know that you know” and to change anything that’s not working in your body and your life. “The Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift™ energies lift & rejuvenate your whole body through the use of soft, comforting, soothing touch & nurturing on your body, face & neck. The Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift™ is an amazing process, which can reverse the appearance of aging on the face & can create similar effects throughout the body.” This process uses zero chemicals, surgeries or pills. It is a process of running a set of Bars (like mentioned in previous blog) that are directly linked to the causes of the wrinkles or stretch marks you are experiencing.
What if there was a fun, easier way to get the lift and the changes you’re looking for?
The best part is you don't have to remove them because of judgment! This means you don't have to judge your body to want change it. Imagine what it would feel like to want to change something without judging it as ugly, wrong, bad or gross! What else is possible for you and your body? What happens if change could be a choice rather than wrongness? This process not only changes the way you look it changes the way you look at your body!
Here are 3 ways the Energetic Facelift can change your body:
1. Remove Unwanted Wrinkles
How would it feel to be wrinkle free with ease? Imagine what it would feel like to not have to spend your money on creams, lotions or surgery? Imagine looking in the mirror without judgment of your winkles as ugly, bad or awful? Use the Energetic Facelift for the removal of wrinkles as well as a new way of looking at your body and face!
2. Remove Stretch Marks
Have you lost or gained weight and have stretch marks? Do you have unwanted stretch marks from a pregnancy? Imagine what it would feel like to not have them without creams or lotions with chemicals! What would it feel like to look at your body with amazement?! Yes amazement! What magic would that be?
3. Remove Scars
Do you have scars from injuries or acne? Would you like them removed with ease and joy? What would it feel like to have clear skin? The Energetic Facelift removes scars with ease and joy while also having the potential to heal the trauma from what happened!
Book your session now! Buy 5 sessions and receive 20% off! ~The Wild Rose~