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Could you imagine having ease with negative people and environments? 
After years of dealing with a global pandemic and changing our lives around there's is a lot of pent up negative energy in the atmosphere. 
Since we were children, our bodies continually experience trauma and negativity over and over, locking the energy in our bodies. The constant state of negativity being projected at us throughout our lives overloads the bodies circuits and your body’s capacity to deal with it.
Join Chelsea Gibson- two time International best selling author of a New Day Dawns: Breaking Up with Abuse- for a 21 day online program to clear you of negativity locked in your body and energy centres. You receive access to a whole new way of being beyond trauma and negativity.
This progran is inviting you to be you beyond negativity and to be the light you came here to be even when around negative people or environments. This program is amazing for people who are really aware and sensitive and seem to feel others pains and emotions!
The program includes:
Daily mini classes, meditations and energy healing to assist you in clearing negative energy in your life and body
21 audio recordings to download on your phone or computer
Tools on what to do with negavity in your everyday

Save $50 when you pre-registerbefore October 22nd

21 Days of Clearing Negativity


    Sessions, classes and recordings are non-refundable

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