How to Make Lists for Quarantine
During your new quarantine routine lists will be your best friend. This is a very stressful situation wether it’s conscious or unconscious. Your brain will be processing this stress and not functioning as optimally as you may be used to. That’s where lists come in.
Lists can seem monotonous but you can make them fun and simple with these tips.
1. Write your list somewhere you will see it. Don’t forget to make doodles or have your kids draw on it so it’s not just words on paper.
2. Throw your ideas down on paper then organize them. You want to give your brain a dumping ground for ideas, to do tasks and fun reminders. Then prioritize once they are down on paper.
3. Be flexible. This list is so you remember yours tasks don’t use this to put further pressure on yourself. If you are tired, need a break or just don’t feel like leave it for another day.
If you’re looking for help with your tasks and understanding stress during this time book a private coaching session with me and get one free.
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